Thursday, October 7, 2010

Fabulous is as Fabulous does.

I just realized that I was born and bred to be exactly who I am right now. Everything that I have been through was to prepare me for this moment. Nothing was by chance but divinely planned for me to fulfill my purpose, my destiny.

I have learned that each day has it's own lesson, some you will have to look for others will slap you in the face. For example, last week it was pointed out to me that I was spreading negativity. Here's what happened:

I was crossing the street with Mr. Fabulousity himself, it is important that I mention that we had the right of way. As we are crossing the street, a NYC Metro  bus is turning the corner against the light. Dude was not stuck in traffic - he ran the light. Because he turned left on red, he was blocking the entire cross walk. We made eye contact. "Really," I sarcastically asked the driver through the closed doors. He replied with the nastiest attitude I had seen in months, "REALLY!"

I could not believe his attitude, especially since he just finished breaking the law in a city vehicle as at least 300 other people witnessed. I proceeded to give him the finger.

As soon put my hand down, an angelic, slightly parental voice brought me back to reality. "Why did you do that," Mr. Fabulosity asked. As I began to repeat the offenses of the driver, it occurred to me that he had been standing there - he saw exactly what happened. He was basically asking me, "Why did you stoop to that level?" There was no reason for me to perpetuate that negativity, I had no excuse. For once in my life I was speechless, I was embarrassed.

I mustered up enough courage to ask, "How do you stay so calm?" Mr. Fabulosity reminded me of something that brought me to where I am today, he told me that he focuses on the things that are important to him, and doesn't have time for anything else that is not going to help him get to his goal.

That lesson was such a blessing. It led me to so many other conclusions about coming back to myself. Being more true to who I really am, who I portray myself to be, and who I want to become.

You never know where your lesson is hiding.

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This is really touching, Brandice. You hold the power. This is definitely a season we have to triumph. And like any success we should want this to be a proper mark of success - we will feel confident in EVERY lesson we learn. The exchange is beautiful and I look forward to more. Thank you for being such a shining and open and Oh so Beautiful light. You are not alone and you are appreciated.

    Mr. Fabulosity


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