Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Watt to buy: The truth about blow dryers [Guest post for]

Over the course of several weeks, I noticed it was taking longer and longer to blow-dry my hair. Realizing that the dryer was going on three years old and slowly creeping towards its final fate - to sit in a landfill somewhere in America, I set out to purchase a new one.

The hunt began at the local box retail store where the dryers ranged in price from $9.99 to 39.99. Ionic this, cool shot that … it was all so overwhelming. A closer look at the boxes led to a startling conclusion, each and every dryer on the shelf was 1875 watts. This had to be some type of conspiracy. I am no science buff, but I do know that the wattage refers to how much power the drier pushes out; therefore the wattage refers to how hot the drier will get. They are ripping people off on a daily basis. The $10 dryer does the same job as the $40 dryer.

I went home pissed off and began doing my research and found that dryers range in wattage from 1000-5000. The blow dryer industry is very tricky with their marketing and will name a 1000-watt dryer the “Turbo 3000” - 3000 has nothing to do with the machine’s performance. You have to pay attention to the wattage - that is all that matters.

Armed with my new knowledge, I headed to a professional hair supply store and found a plethora of choices. The drier in my price range was the Conair Silver Bird Pro, which is 2000 watts and was on sale for $29.99 normally $49.99  - so I scored. The moral of the story is don’t be fooled by the hype, do your research before you shop for anything.

Here is to hair blowing in the wind,


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