Wednesday, March 16, 2011

10 Things Every Woman should know about Men

In light of a few recent events in my own life, I sat down and compiled a list of things that I am going to remind myself of frequently. I figured it may help a few other people too . . .

 1. Trust him as far as you can throw him.
"You can be with your man 23 hours a day, and you never know what he is doing with that last hour." - Deshawn, 31
2. A cheater is the worst type of liar. They lie out of pure and unadulterated selfishness.

3. If someone says, "Your gonna believe whatever you want anyway," chances are they are lying.

4. Sex is like crack to some men. They will have it by any means necessary. You are just a casualty, a conquest.

5. It's not necessarily that he doesn't care about you . . . he just cares about himself more.

6. Actions speak louder than words. He knows you are emotional and feeds on that. He purposely says things to appeal to your emotions to keep you from using your common sense in the situation.

7. No man EVER just wants to be your friend. I don't care how cool he is, or how long you have known him. If he is doing favors for you . . . chances are, he has a hidden motive.

8. You can't be friends with your ex. Just doesn't work. Feelings linger, they will always try to get back with you or hook up with you at some point. It gets awkward. 

9. Listen to what his friends and family say about him - they know him way better than you do. They know the real him.
"The best way to get to know someone is by talking to the people that know them. If they don't have anything to say, that is also telling." -Aidan, 22

10. If a guy has a ton of girl "friends" he's a player.
"Guys don't have girl 'friends'." -Arnaldo, 21

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