Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Party to Remember for NBA Player Ryan Gomes

NBA Player, Ryan Gomes, of the Minnesota Timberwolves celebrated his birthday/going away this past Sunday at Sin City in Waterbury, CT with friends, family, and fans to raise funds for his charity Hoops for Heart Health.

For weeks before the party there was a buzz, which led me to have high expectations. It was announced that special guests HeadRush and NBA Players would be in the building. Well, Rush was there and Ryan was there . . . so it was true.

You know I love it when a party starts on time. Doors opened at 9 and people continued to pour in all night. The dance floor and the VIP were packed. All night long it was a party full of love and cheer until ... dunn dunnn dunnnnnnn . . . a "Rapper," who I can't even find on MySpace, ruined the festivities. BOOOOOOOOOOO!

Now, right before he decided to ruin the party, I observed the said "Rapper" dancing like lunatic. It was evident he and his crew were quite saucy. So the said "Rapper" debowed the microphone from another unnamed rapper. Once he had the microphone it was obvious that a problem was not far away. When the owner of the microphone asked for it back, the said "Rapper" started wilding out and broke the microphone. Now, I am not sure how the remainder of this incident took place, there was security everywhere. The security just let this clearly drunk person walk right on the stage and straight up to the DJ,  but made me, a person with an official NightLifeLink.com shirt have to pull out my press pass. SERIOUSLY?

So this dude walks up to the DJ and starts harrassing everyone in the booth, trying to pick a fight over a microphone that was not his at a party that he did not throw. Now I can say that I have heard of this "Rapper" and his less than perfect ways well before I even knew what he looked like. When I learned of the name associated with this "Rapper" I was not surprised at all by his actions. WHY WOULD YOU MESS WITH THE DJ, except to hate? Happy ending to this though. This "Rapper" was arrested and completly embarrassed, everyone now knows that he has man boobs. LMAO!

Good thing that this drama occured at the end of the night, and did not bring down the overall mood. Everyone but this guy was there to party. Ryan's wife Danielle put together a wonderful event.

Now, I heard through the grapvine that people were hating on the party saying things like it was just a Wilby Reunion... well it was and in my opinion a showcase of just how serious people that went Wilby are. I mean serious talent on all levels is coming out of Waterbury, CT and I just do not understand why so many people have to hate instead of joining the bandwagon of success.

A huge shout out to Erin from NightLifeLink.com he is responsible for all these photos and provided me with many laughs throughout the night! If you were there view your pictures here. Love these photos? Want NightLifeLink at your party? Click HERE, be sure tell them Theory told you to "Get Linked!"

Find out more about Hoops for Heart Health here.
My Final Theory: I can not wait to get my invitation to next years party. I know it's going to be 10 times better.



  1. Well it wouldn't be called a party without someone making a fool of himself right.

  2. You are right! Thanks for stopping by! If your on twitter, let's keep up with each other.



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